Home Basketball Interesting tricks of basketball players

Interesting tricks of basketball players

Interesting tricks of basketball players

What are the interesting tricks of basketball players: what is the name, who is the author, what can be applied by rules and what should not
Basketball is not only a sport, but also true art. Players invent incredible tricks that make the game more spectacular. Many of them have become legendary thanks to the skill and creativity of basketball players. In this article we will tell you about the most interesting tricks, their creators and explain which of them can be used in official matches, and which are prohibited.
1. Crossovers
Crossover is one of the most popular tricks when the player changes direction of movement by swiping the ball.
Author: This trick became famous because of Allen Iverson, who perfected it. He was famous for his crossover against Michael Jordan.
Features: Crossovers are effective for cheating the opponent, as a sudden move will confuse the defender.
Use according to the rules: This trick is allowed if the ball is not held in the player’s hands longer than it should be. However, “double dribbling” or carrying (“carrying”) is prohibited.
2. Euro-step (Euro Step)
Another famous maneuver where the player makes two steps to the side, cheating defense.
Author: The trick became popular thanks to Manu Ginobili, although it was first used by European players.
Features: The Euro-Step allows you to avoid a block attack and gain an advantage in the attack.
Application: Euro-step is perfectly legal if it does not exceed the allowed number of steps after the dribbling stop.
3. Fadeaway (Waste Throw)
This trick is a signature element of the game by Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. The player backs back during the throw to avoid blocking.
Author: Although it is unclear who first used this technique, it has become a symbol of the legendary NBA players.
Features: The difficulty is in the accuracy of the throw, as the balance when going back is broken
Application by the rules: The trick is completely legal and often used in games at a professional level.
4. Dunk with spin (360 dunk)
This is an effective trick in which the player performs a 360 degree spin before throwing the ball into the basket.
Author: The first spinning dank was shown by David Thompson in the 1970s. Later, it became popular thanks to Vince Carter.
Features: The Donkeys require strength, coordination and jump height
Rule of play: Legal if the player does not hold on to the ring too long.
5. No-look pass (pass without look)
An effective way to pass the ball when a player looks one way, but passes the ball to another.
Author: Magic Johnson popularized this trick in the 1980s.
Features: This approach disorients the opponent’s defense.
Application according to the rules: Absolutely legal and considered a skill pass.
6. Show-time alley-op (Showtime Alley-oop)
Alley-U is a combination in which one player passes the ball into the air, and the other player hits it with a dace or throw.
Author: The trick became famous thanks to “Los Angeles Лейkers” of Maggie Johnson’s era.
Features: This trick requires high accuracy and players coherence.
Rule Use: Legal if the player is not too long in the air and does not break the rule of running.
7. Tricks forbidden by the rules
Some moves remain at the street basketball or show level.
Streetball Tricks: For example, “trick shot” (Fake Shot) with subsequent pass is often not used in official games.
Curry-dribbling: Carry ball is often found in street games, but strictly forbidden in professional basketball.
Dunk through the ring: If a player hangs on the ring too long or uses it as a support, this is considered a violation.
The world of basketball tricks is diverse and inspires players to new achievements. Legal tricks like the crossover, the dandelion and the pass make the game spectacular, while illegal stunts remain part of street basketball and show. Regardless of the level of play, the skill of performing tricks is always admirable.


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